Prophet Musa (Pbuh) Prayer -Holy Quran 20:25

Holy Quran

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Nawab Mohsinul Mulk

Progress Of Mankind Through Education

True Education strengthens man's self-confidence. It makes him understand that he has come on the world stage as an actor and he has to show his best acting to the world audience. It makes him ponder what he should do and what he should not. Man comes to know who is good and who is bad only through education. Education enables man to be aware of social evils and maladies and how to free society from such evils. An educated man very well understands that he has to do good deeds only and steer clear of evil deeds. An educated man does every thing gladly and willingly and also knows the results of his deeds. Only education induces man to believe and action the principle of 'live and let live'. Man is able to differentiate between superior and inferior only through education. It also enables him to know about high and low. Education gives man his identity on the basis of his capabilities and performances. All positive efforts made by man that crown him with success and height of progress on the basis of his capabilities are possible only through which he tries to search truth and is free from all bounds of the society or world. He has no interest or greed for materialism and is always in search and support of truth.

Education changes man's heart and mind and his training undergoes a drastic change. It is helpful in turning him into a man from a devil. It brings about change in man's subversive and destructive proclivities and produces or improves his constructive tendencies. Acquisition of education and knowledge is essential for making men civilised and cultured.

The process of education goes on throughout one's life. Man's life is the best source of acquisition of education and knowledge through which he learns from the events and incidents that take place in his daily life. An educated man adopts only those things which illuminate positive aspects of life. Hence it would not be irrelevant to say that man learns everty thing from his life and life is a source of education and knowledge for man.

Man goes on changing gradually. He is somtimes influenced by his parents, sometimes by his family circumstances or by conditions in his neighbourhood. Sometimes he is influenced by his teachers. He learns something from the education imparted to him by his neighbouring circumstances is also very much influenced by his teachers. He treats his teachers way of life as his guiding principles so that he too could imbibe the qualities of his teachers. Hence he is very much influenced by his teachers also.

Education guides an imperfect man to become a perfect and civilized man. He continuously goes on struggling to materialize all his plans and intentions through education. Education develops self-confidence in man and he avoids opportunism and self interest. Rather, he devotes himself for the society and always has the feeling and ambition of service to people. An educated person takes much interest in the education and training of his children and family members. Education is such a source or means of progress through which man adjusts himself to the spiritual as well as material world. This is also a fact that it is life itself which teaches man or provides various opportunities for the acquisition of education and knowledge. Education improves life and causes to bring about uniformity in man's talks and actions, in his theory and practice. It induces man to follow and act upon social and moral rules and principles along with developing in him good habits, good behaviour and giving him good training.

Uneducated sections of society will always be backward will continue to be so unless they try to understand the value and importance of education. History is witness to the fact that any country or nation which has attained progress has made education as the basis. Without education neither any progress is possible nor the identity of any person, society or country will be known because books are our cultural heritage and this heritage goes on passing from one generation to other. If we tried to benefit from this heritage, we shall succeed in adopting and imbibing the good things of our forefathers otherwise we will be led astray from our right path.

Extracted From UEF Bulletin

To educate downtrodden, help them become better citizens and together build the Nation.

Say: "Are those equal, those who know And those who do not know?" It is those who are Endued with understanding That receive admonition. (Allah's Message - Holy Qur'an 39:9)

The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said " The Best Amongst You Are Those Who Learn And Teach"

Acquire thoroughly the knowledge that's worth acquring and after acquring it; walk thou in accordance therewith.
If those who think to achieve, Have a firm and focussed mind, They will realize what they thought of, And even as they have thought of.

Thirukkural - 400

Three "i"s, "Islam", "Information" and the "Internet" are going to have a profound and global impact on society in the 21st century. I believe that the future of the Muslim world is dependent upon educating and training our youth according to the true teachings and values of Islam. I am dedicated to the goal of encouraging them to use their Almighty given talents in pursuit of scientific and technological breakthroughs to become the future architects of the new global community.

The only service to be done for our own downtrodden is to give them education to develop their lost individuality.
- Swami Vivekananda

An orphan is not one whose parent has expired. In true sense an orphan is he who did not receive education and manners. -Unknown

The address given by Mr.R.D.Nazeem IAS, the Chief Guest during the Meet the State Topper 2011 event (Felicitation program) on July 24, 2011 at the United Sports Club (USC) Ground, Kayalpattinam.

Meet the State Topper 2011

Mr.R.D. Nazeem IAS - Chief Guest Address - Part 2 Video

Mr.R.D. Nazeem IAS - Chief Guest Address - Part 3 Video

Mr.R.D. Nazeem IAS - Chief Guest Address - Part 4 Video

Let it create some Nazeems from Kayalpattinam in future and add to the glory of your hometown.
- M. Malik Feroze Khan, IAS (Former Collector of Tuticorin District)

The More we Learn, the More we Discover our Ignorance.

Reading good books makes our lives better, because it brings us new perspectives and knowledge.

Oh Muslims, Unite as One Ummah. Muslims must pay special attention to get their children educated. They must get religious as well as modern education. The backwardness of Muslims can be removed only through education.


Goodly Loan
Bihar Anjuman
Khan Academy
Kalvi Kalanjiam
Education Support
United Islamic Aid

Minority Scholarship
AN Educational Trust
Radiant IAS Academy
Muslim Education Trust
OMEIAT Institute Trust

Zakat Foundation of India
The Students Islamic Trust
Human Welfare Foundation
United Welfare Organization
Ministry Of Minority Affairs

University Grants Commission
Manidha Neyam IAS Academy
Indian Oil Academic Scholarships
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Bashiruddin Babukhan Foundation

B.S.Abdur Rahman Zakat Fund Foundation
Tamil Nadu Minorities Welfare Department
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Education Foundation
Tamil Nadu Schemes For The Welfare Of Minorities

So high [above all] is Allah , the Sovereign, the Truth. And, [O Muhammad], do not hasten with [recitation of] the Qur'an before its revelation is completed to you, and say,

My Lord, increase me in knowledge. -Holy Quran 20:114

Muslims should come forward and sponsor the education expenses of at least one child from the community. The community lags behind in education which is the key to success. Muslims be given reservation in educational institutions and government. -Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahli

Muslims should realise the importance of education and make it mandatory that their children get quality education. It would be a great service if they also help in education of other muslim children. -Maulana Qari Syed Shah Fazlul Rehman Waizi Nadwi

Learn what we don't know. Share what we knew.

Tamgrads Welfare Trust
T Block, No.10 (Old No.23) 11th Street, Anna Nagar
Chennai - 600 040, Tamil Nadu, Tel: 044 26267918
(Trustee Dr.T.Kamal Sheriff) Email:

Capt. N.A. Ameer Ali
(Retd Principal, Zakir Husain College)
18, Gandhi Nagar, South Sivan Koil,
Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600 024 - Tamil Nadu
Mob: 94449 40786 - 94444 58715

Indian Minorities Welfare Trust
10/6 Anaikar Complex, M.V.Badran Street, Periamet
Chennai - 600 003, Tamil Nadu
Mob: 091767 88678 (Contact Person Mr.Shafee Ahmed) Email:

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