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O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For Allah , as witnesses To fair dealing, and let not The hatred of others To you make swerve To wrong and depart from Justice. Be just: that is Next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
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Help to promote friendship throughout the world and Peace to all. Since we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. That is not just a dream, but a necessity. We are dependent on each other in so many ways that we can no longer live in isolated communities and ignore what is happening outside those communities.
All religions demand that we love and respect each other.
This is a child safe site registered with ICRA, Safe Surf, iClass AA and RAU.
The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization
whose mission is to protect children from potentially harmful material.
The SafeSurf Rating Standard is a voluntary rating system designed to protect children, as well as the first amendment rights of their parents.
The iClass AA Rating is to verify the Content on this Site is for All Audiences and to protect children.
Dear Sir, Your site have been evaluated and according to oppinion of our evaluators we are sending You Royal Awards University Badge as certificate that Your site is completelly family friendly and children safety site. Sincerely, Royal Awards University.