How To Prevent Mosquito Breeding
Often, the most effective way to protect your family from being
infected by disease-carrying mosquitoes is to get rid of them before
they appear. Follow these tips on how to prevent mosquito breeding
around your home:
- Do not allow standing water to accumulate for more than two
days. Common areas to check: old tires, buckets, unused plastic
swimming pools, the base of a flower pot, pet dishes, plastic
covers or any container that may collect water.
- Change the water in birdbaths, fountains and wading pools at
least once a week.
- Clean debris from rain gutters and remove standing water under
or around structures.
- If you have a flat roof, check for standing water several days
after a rain.
- Check rain barrels for mosquito larvae. A tight cover will
prevent egg laying. A thin layer of oil will kill mosquitoes
already present.
- Repair leaks or clear away puddles from around faucets and
window air conditioning units.
- Stock ornamental pools with minnows or goldfish (they eat
mosquito larvae on the water surface) or treat the pools with
biological larvicides (chemicals or natural bacteria that can be
used to kill mosquito larvae).
- Be sure to keep swimming pools, saunas and hot tubs clean and
chlorinated. If not in use, keep empty and covered.
- Empty accumulated water from boats and cargo trailers.
- Fill or drain large puddles, ditches and swampy areas.
- Remove, drain or fill tree holes and stumps with
- Keep hedges and bushes trimmed to reduce shade.
- Mow the lawn at least once a week. Mosquitoes can hide in the
shade of tall grass.
- Make sure windows, doors and porches are tightly screened and
are free of holes.